It was with great delight for members of BosNOMA to be a part of a conversation with Phil Freelon and Zena Howard about the new National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), graciously hosted by Perkins+Will Boston on November 3, 2016. BosNOMA members alongside P+W Boston staff and a host of inspired high school students gathered to hear Phil and Zena speak about why they are proud to be African American, and what they hope the Smithsonian museum will offer visitors for years to come. They also shared insight on the competition collaboration, design process as well as construction challenges and achievements.

Three weeks after the grand opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., visitors continue to flock there from all over the world to learn and be inspired by “A People’s Journey, A Nation’s Story.” In this second installment of In Their Own Words – Perkins+Will's new video series – Phil, Lead Architect and Zena, Senior Project Manager, share what it’s meant to them, personally, to contribute to this monumental project.

Check out the links below to be inspired.

In Their Own Words: Zena Howard, Uniting Toward the Future

In Their Own Words: Phil Freelon, Building a Legacy

Boston NOMA